Technologies We Work With

Technologies We Work With

Frontend development


HTML is a markup language used to create the structure of web pages, defining the content and layout.


CSS is a styling language used to design the appearance of HTML elements on web pages, including colors and layouts.


JavaScript is a programming language used for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages.


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, known for its component-based approach and virtual DOM.


Angular is a platform and framework for building sinle-gle-page client applications in HTML and TypeScript.


Next.js is a React framework for building server-side rendered applications, providing enhanced performance and SEO capabilities.

Backend development


Java is a versatile programming language used for building applications, from web to mobile, with strong community support.


Node.js is a runtime environment that allows JavaScript to run on the server-side for building scalable applications.


Python is a beginner-friendly programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and vast library support for various applications.


PHP is a server-side scripting language used for web development to create dynamic web pages and interact with databases.

Microsoft .NET

Microsoft .NET is a framework for building Windows applications and web services using multiple programming languages.

Database Technologies


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system known for its reliability and scalability in storing and managing structured data.


PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source object-relational database system known for its advanced features, extensibility, and SQL compliance.


MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL database known for its flexibility, scalability, and ability to handle unstructured and semi-structured data.


Oracle is a widely used commercial relational database management system known for its robustness, security features, and support for large-scale enterprise applications.

SQL Server

SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft, known for its integration with Microsoft products and comprehensive feature set for data management and analysis.

Other Technologies


Git is a distributed version control system used for tracking changes in source code during software development, facilitating collaboration and version management.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a free, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft, known for its lightweight design, extensive language support, and customizable features for efficient coding.


Bootstrap is a front-end framework for building responsive and mobile-first websites with pre-designed components and utilities

Client Testimonials

Client 1

I'm impressed with how they used the latest technologies to build our website. It's fast, user-friendly, and exactly what we needed!

Client 2

Their team's expertise in various technologies helped us develop a mobile app that exceeded our expectations. Highly recommend it

Client 3

Thanks to their knowledge of different technologies, our backend systems are now more efficient and reliable. Great job!

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